I’m listening to a famous TV preacher today
I’m listening to a famous TV preacher today
Telling us how our country has really gone astray
How our leaders are destroying this land
Because of all their dishonesty and for what they stand.
I’m listening to a famous TV preacher today
Telling us how our country has really gone astray
How our leaders are destroying this land
Because of all their dishonesty and for what they stand.
s I sit here in the bathroom on my throne
I’m talking to Jesus , no even here, I’m not alone.
The Lord told me that I will never leave you
This same privilege is also for you too..
Watching the popular Bounty Hunter show on TV
I realize that some of the offenders could be me
Some people didn’t show up for a court date
And if they did they were always just too late.
God wants you and me to succeed
Succeed in thought, word and deed.
If you are truly living your life for God
Then your exemplary life to many will seem odd
n life we all make many mistakes
However, when we confess our sins
And truly repent and turn from this evil
Forgiveness from Jesus is all it takes.
must confess that I sometimes worry
Seems I want things to happen in a hurry
But I must realize that God is still in control
And that things, at the right time, will be made whole.
As I view the bills to be paid
I realize these were decisions I made
Things and stuff I thought I really needed
Why didn’t I listen to the little inner voice and heeded
Have you every had someone tell you where to go?
We’ve all heard the expression and they usually mean down below
To Hell and it they only knew the truth about hell
This is something the Bible has many references to tell
Satan is out to destroy you and me today.
And you can bet he’ll do it in any way.
By what you do or just try or what you say.
So what are you going to do
when temptations come your way?
Lets talk about forgiveness today
It's something that many would say, No Way!
But harboring anger and bitterness will ruin your day.
Saying I'm sorry, I forgive you, is the best way.
You and I were created by God for a reason.
And, dear brothers and sisters this is the season.
Don’t let your reason or purpose pass you by.
You can do it with God’s help if you’ll only try.