So many go through life unhappy almost all the time.
by Dr. Anthony Murphy writerSo many go through life unhappy almost all the time.
It's because they didn’t get what was wanted, asking “why isn’t it mine”?.
No, God has something else in store that was much better for you.
This is when we need unconditional faith and trust in God, it’s true.
Often the things we’re longing for us wouldn’t be the best.
When this happens, have faith and trust,-- don’t put God to the test.
He knows what's best for you, and this is when you must trust.
Don’t try to give God an ultimatum for what you want as a must.
No, God will sometimes give you something you didn’t expect.
That thing you wanted could be something you’d soon neglect.
It’s like that new car, boat or outfit that you craved yesterday.
Now you simply don’t really want it but the payments stay.
It’s always better to trust God to do His thing in your life.
This, I can tell you from experience, will really reduce strife.
God is a good God and only always wants what is best for you.
So my advice to all of us today let God do what only God can do.