Taming the tongue is the message of the day.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Taming the tongue is the message of the day.

So many people are always sarcastic with what they say.

Whatever you are discussing they want to overrule.

They are baiting you into a verbal confrontation, as a fool.


Some people love to argue and want to verbally fight.

Maybe you know what they are saying is really not right.

But just know they want to start a verbal confrontation.

This is when you must ‘zip it up’ and do it without hesitation.


It’s so easy to give that person a piece of your mind, it’s true.

But this is a ploy of the enemy to create a problem for you.

No one ever wins an argument, especially a husband or wife.

Saying something in the heat of the argument will be remembered for life.


So remember what the Bible teaches us to do when you want to disagree.

Do in a kind and loving way, not giving into raising your voice, or talking sarcastically.

When you zip your lip and don’t argue even when you know you’re right.

Knowing that being right with anyone or your spouse is not worth a fight.