What are you hoping and praying for today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

What are you hoping and praying for today?

All I can say is, watch out, it’s coming  your way.

If you have been faithful honoring God each day.

God has promised your dream will come to pass, Yeah!


So many times we are ready to give up on our dream, now

It’s been so long we think it will never happen or even how.

But God has been working behind the scenes for me and  you.

And that dream is just about to suddenly and unexpectedly come true.


It’s like a caterpillar that is in it’s a cocoon waiting to become a butterfly,

It can’t speed up the process of metamorphism no matter how hard it can try.

It takes time to change in that metamorphic state, so don’t listen to Satan’s lies

 NO! Just keep  on honoring God, keep your mustard seed faith, and be wise.


Today could be the day that everything could and would fall into place.

You’ve been faithful and trusting God and now you are about to win that race.

Yes! God’s timing will always surprise us. It’s the way it’s always been.

So today live in anticipation, be happy, full of joy and let God see you grin.