Are you comfortable in life right now?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Are you comfortable in life right now?

Did you reach your potential somehow?

Many  have what is termed “destination disease”.

That’s where you can now live your life at ease.


But God never intends for us not grow each day.

If you don’t have a specific plan for your life, pray.

God wants us to excel in life and to be the leader in our field.

It’s so easy to settle where we are, this is where so many yield.


They have a good job that they can do it routinely OK.

It’s the same, now almost boring job, day after day.

God has better things in store for you, don’t settle that way.

No, learn and implement new skills for promotion or an increase in pay.


Life can be very exciting when you are learning something new.

Yes, you can continue that ok boring job while learning new skills too.

Just use the time to learn, time that you waste each day watching TV.

It takes a level of commitment to be the best, winners would agree.