If you’re still breathing, you’ve heard of hate crimes.
These are frightful actions, that have developed in our times.
They are carried out by people hating Godly morality.
They detest Christians because we’re the ‘moral’ majority.
Nowadays, they're backed by so many demonic and one-sided laws
intended to rule out God, and all that He stands for.
These people hate the 10 Commandments being displayed.
And, they flaunt their demonic activities in disgusting parades.
The government, the schools, the media and the ACLU,
are all monitoring and trying to limit what we Christians seek to do.
They call our actions “Hate Crimes” because they don’t agree,
with all the fundamental truths of the Bible, nor you and me.
They want this country to be like Sodom and Gomorrah, it’s true.
And, we all know what happened to them, read Genesis 19, whatever you do.
God has been very forgiving so far. But, how much more will it take
for the U.S.A. to experience the results of it's satanic mistake?
Bible Reference: Leviticus 19:17
Anthony Murphy, ND