Is there an emptiness in your heart?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
Is there an emptiness in your heart?
Has it been there from the start?
It seems no matter would you do or say
Can make that empty feeling go away.
Things and stuff won't fill the void
So many have tried to fill it that way and were destroyed.
Superficial things only satisfy for a little while
And when the newness wears off, there goes the smile.
We've all had the experience of getting something new
And it makes us happy for a while, it's true.
But that something will soon grow old
And your love for that thing will grow cold
I do have the answer to fill that void in your life.
It will create joy, happiness and reduce your strife.
It is filling your life with what only God can do
With His eternal love and devotion to me and you.
So I ask you to try this suggestion today
Ask the Lord to fill your life with His love and don't delay.
Many have tried other things and gone the wrong way
Jesus is waiting for you now, all you need to do and say
Help me Jesus I have gone astray, forgive the sins of my past
I want to experience your love and peace that lasts and lasts
Your love for me is more than I can understand, but I accept you today
Be my Savior and Lord and let me serve you from now on, this I pray.