This is a poem about Samson

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

This is a poem about Samson
the worlds strongest  man
His story is in the bible,
He was, however,destroyed by a woman.
His parents wanted him to marry
A woman that believed in the true God
But Samson wanted an unbeliever
To Samson his parents were odd
He didn't listen to his mothers plea
or his fathers advice for a wife
And Samson's lust for many women
Ultimately destroyed his life
He was given incredible strength
And could do things no one else could do
He slayed thousands with only a donkeys jawbone
I suggest you read the book of Judges to see if this is true.
The only thing he was told not to do
to preserve his strength was to cut his hair
When Delilah gave him that evil look
He simply yielded, he just didn't care.
The results were to destroy him
His hair was cut and he became weak
This is another story of lust and temptation
When men don't do right and the wrong they seek.
So listen to the advice that comes from the Lord
Seek His will daily and keep yourself pure and good
Then when it comes time to be judged by God
You will hear him say "Well done".I hope that's understood?