I have something to give you today that's free

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I have something to give you today that's free
It's already totally paid for, it's for you and me
It was offered by someone that really loves me and  you
And the price He paid was so very great too
So accept the gift today, please don't wait.
If you died today without it, it's too late.
This gift is assurance of eternal life
In heaven where there is no pain or strife.
How do you get this gift? So many want to know
They really want to go to heaven and not hell below
Just ask Jesus to forgive your sins, repent and live for Him
Heaven is the incredible eternal happy place free from sin
Hell is the option that unfortunately many chose
If they only knew that with this choice they always lose
They are deceived by what the world thinks that Hell will be fun.
But Hell is pain, misery, loneliness, forever, please don't chose this one.