Our rights are now considered wrong
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminOur rights are now considered wrong
By this government that is too strong
When this country was founded it was founded on God
To many in our government this seems odd
If we don't stand up for our rights in the days ahead
our freedom to worship is as good as dead
There is a movement to kick God out of this nation totally now
And the anti-God movement is well funded that's how.
All these events are predicted in the Bible, it's true
The only people that will survive this is me and you.
If the Christians would work together and not always fight
We could stop this demonic action I know I'm right.
So don't get discouraged and give in to the pressure
We will be rewarded if we stay committed beyond measure.
It's going to get worse that's also predicted in God's book
If you don't believe me, I suggest you pray, study and look.