Let’s take the limits of God in 2019, starting, today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let’s take the limits of God in 2019, starting, today

This is going to be the best year you’ve ever had in every way.

I know that God has some incredible favor in store for you and me.

We will experience some unbelievable miracles for all to see.


I want to live my life knowing and realizing the Agape Love of God.

I will prosper and be in good health even as my soul prospers, this is not odd.

This is a promise of 3 John 2, to all of us that truly believe.

Get ready, for I declare this is our year, a year to abundantly receive.


God wants to bless His children and have them prosper like never before.

In these last days, we want the ungodly to see how we score.

The Bible tells us in these latter days there will be a transfer of wealth. it’s true.

So, child of God, get ready I declare this transfer will happen to me and you.


What an exciting time to be living in these latter days and time.

It is possible that we will see the rapture even in your lifetime and mine.

Be excited and living each moment knowing we are truly blessed.

Praise the Lord, declare His goodness and mercy over you. I’ve confessed.