As we all know this is a brand new year.
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminAs we all know this is a brand new year.
We need to know the return of our Lord is so very near.
We have all made mistakes in the past that we now regret.
Have you repented and asked God for His forgiveness yet?
God loves you and wants us to have a wonderful life.
Harboring anger, jealousy and hatred creates strife.
Also that secret sin that you think that no one knows about.
Just know that God knows and you will soon be found out.
Let’s all start this new year afresh and renewed starting today.
If you had a sin problem last year repent, this is God’s way.
When you have asked for His forgiveness and you’ve repented now.
Know that God has forgiven you, cleared that sin of His book, that’s how.
Remember we are all Christians under construction, that’s includes you.
We know that our loving Savior wants to help us succeed in all we do..
As long as you are truly sincere and not trying to get away with sin.
God will help you with whatever He has promted you to do, and you’ll win.