Let's give Jesus a Christmas present this year!

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Let's give Jesus a Christmas present this year!

This is very different, but you have nothing to fear.

“What could I possibly give Him?” many would ask?

How about being a true Christian and take off the mask.


So many are just playing the Christian life for a show.

They believe in Jesus as Lord, and think to heaven they'll go.

But, are not living the life that Jesus had intended for you.

Jesus is with us, observing everything we say and do.


Being a sincere and dedicated child of God, starting today.

Making Jesus proud of you with what you do and say.

This would be the greatest present Jesus would want now.

Reading and studying the Word of God would teach us how.


We each have a talent or skill that is unique to you and me.

If we could only implement that gift for all the world to see.

Jesus wants us to be that special person that could help others.

To help all and also get along with our sisters and brothers.