Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all my readers everywhere.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all my readers everywhere.

I just wanted each of you to know that I appreciate you and really care.

You are all precious to me and I thank God for you everyday

I want our group to be blessed and healthy in a special supernatural way.


We are very special to Almighty God, yes, we are part of His chosen few.

He wants to help and bless all of us in whatever he gave us to do.

In this season of the year there is a great deal of turmoil and strife.

People scurrying around to find that special present for a husband or wife.


But let’s all remember the real reason for the season and let others know it too.

God sent His son to be born of a virgin so we too could be born anew.

When Jesus was born in that lowly stable many hundred of years ago.

He came to earth to let us experience true love. The original tell and show.


Yes, Jesus is my savior and I hope and pray he is yours too today.

If you would like to accept him as your savior, this is what to pray.

Lord Jesus, I know I’ve done a lot of things wrong and you know it too.

I ask you to forgive my sins and come and live in me my whole life through.