In this life we all have the opportunity to win or to lose.
by Dr. Anthony Murphy writerIn this life we all have the opportunity to win or to lose.
Some may think they don’t have this option and sing the blues.
But we do all have the opportunity to choose how we live.
This is the poem to tell you about the one who came to give.
We also know that in this world today there is so much unhappiness here.
Many go through life afraid, frustrated, confused and full of fear.
They don’t know what to do or how to handle turmoil and strife today.
Well here’s the good news, this poem is all about this, because there is a way.
Yes, many reject the way to happiness, joy, contentment, is this you?
What I’m about to tell you is not some kind of fable, no, it’s true.
There is a God that really loves you and only wants the best for you now.
How do I receive this incredible joy filled life you ask? well here’s how.
Turn your life over to Jesus, He came to earth to help people like you and me.
He wants us to enjoy our life here on earth right now and also for eternity.
We have an enemy that wants our soul too, he wants you to end your life
He knows he can do it if he can keep you bound with alcohol, drugs and strife.
That then you won’t know what to do and think you can’t take this life anymore.
But Jesus has dealt with this enemy and defeated him always, many times before.
Jesus, however, wants you to have a happy, joy filled life that you enjoy each day.
Many have tried the enemies way and his demonic, life destroying way.
So I want you to just try this new way of life and experience what it can do for you.
All your sins and mistakes of the past will be erased by God and you can start anew.
Just ask Jesus to help you to overcome all the problems you have right now.
Ask Him to forgive your sins of the past and come and live in you, that’s how.
Then spend time reading the word of God and learning this new incredible way of life.
You can also expect that a demonic spirit will be around daily to stir up strife.
But once you’ve committed your life to God, you now have a resource to help you each day.
And you can stay in touch with Almighty God, all you need to do is pray, don’t worry about what to say, just talk to Him in your own way.
My only request is don’t procrastinate, do it today and God and his angels will say hooray!