I don’t know about you but all this new violence sickens me.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I don’t know about you but all this new violence sickens me.

It seems the left don’t like our Godly ethics and don’t agree

To let the moral majority run this nation in a democratic way

They want to quiet the moral majority and what they say.


This country is teetering on the edge and our future is at stake.

What can we as Christians and the moral majority difference make?

We can vote for candidates that want to follow our constitution laws.

The left and their unruly mobs have bad ideas full of demonic flaws


Sometimes as a senior citizen I wonder what happened and when

We changed our Biblical morality and the new immorality began.

It seems there is no definite right and wrong any more today.

This is why God and the Bible warns against going this wrong way.


The immoral way will never be successful, history proves this to be true.

In the Bible it tells what the consequences are for immority for me and you.

Any nation, that includes the USA, that continues on this downwood course.

Will be destroyed and over taken by a demonic, ungodly deadly force.