In this world, it maybe hard to believe, not everyone will like you.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

In this world, it maybe hard to believe,  not everyone will like you.

There people that will actually hate or really dislike you too, it’s true..

It’s no use trying to get everyone to like who and what you are.

We each have a different personality and appearance, we’re like a car.


Not everyone drives the same kind of car or truck, it’s true.

Not everyone likes who you are and/or what you do.

We must learn to accept the idiosincrasias in each one we meet .

This has been the same since our life begun. So learn how to greet.


It doesn’t matter how wonderful you think you are.

There will be folks that think you carry this wonderful bit, to far.

But to God you are wonderful, and a one of a kind masterpiece too.

He is very proud of everything you succeed at, and/or try to do.


Ask yourself this question, “who am I trying to impress”?

If you are trying to impress people, your life will be a mess.

Actually pleasing God is the best way to live your life.

Trying to please people, we know, only leads to strife.