Temptation is an invitation that we experience every day.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Temptation is an invitation that we experience every day.

Ask yourself how will I handle those temptations today?

We each have opportunities that we can do or not do.

Some things will be beneficial, some not, this is true.


Have you ever been on a diet, was tempted and  went astray.?’

It is always easy to give into temptation, the devil will help you that way.

Everyday we will have choices to make, some we may regret.

We’ve all done that and given into temptations and yet.


We were truly sorry and asked for forgiveness then.

Would we be forgiven immediately or must we ask again?

That question depends a lot on who you asked to forgive.

Some would, as you know, hold a grudge as long as they live.


But Jesus is not like that He will forgive and even forget.

Is this a wonderful benefit of being a child of God, you bet.

He loves us with Agape love that is so wonderful for you and me.

We have a hard time to comprehend that love, I’m sure you’d agree.