Your words and your mind have incredible power.
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminYour words and your mind have incredible power.
They can determine how you live your life hour by hour.
How much do you believe in yourself today?
Are you using your God given gifts and talents in some way?
It’s so easy to get comfortable in just settle for an average life.
This way you don’t need to stretch and not experience good strife.
But you were never made to be average, ordinary or just getting bye
It’s so easy to settle for that, but Almighty God wants you to always try.
To accomplish the extraordinary, because you have the DNA of Almighty God in you.
You can accomplish those God given dreams and goals because you are odd and that’s true.
That’s right you are odd, not the average ‘run of the mill’ person No! You are a winner
starting today.
So starting today, guard your thoughts and words and become that special God anointed person always being careful with what you think and say.