When everything looks bleak
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminWhen everything looks bleak
Be careful with the words you speak.
Your words can turn the situation around.
It's so very important that God hears the right sound.
He wants to hear praise and thanks from you today.
Your words, actions and faith can promote or delay,
The results are up to you, speaking words of faith is God's way.
He longs to help us when we call on Him so, do it while you may.
So many of us look at our circumstances and say 'whoa is me'.
That's not the way to get God's attention, I agree.
We must remember what He's done for us in the past.
And know this current disturbing problem won't last.
Our enemy loves to hear us moan and cry when problems arise.
Being happy, joyful and praising God is something he would despise.
In life we always have options and decisions to make.
To be a winner and get great results, praise and thanks is what it takes.