Where is the talent and gift that God gave to you?
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminWhere is the talent and gift that God gave to you?
Is it hidden or is it in what you do?
So many Christians are not taking advantage of theirs today.
They don't enjoy their attribute but say, maybe someday.
We each have a God given talent, it's in our DNA., it's true
It is our natural ability to do what others can't easily do.
For example, don't ask me to repair your car today.
It would probably never run again is all I can say.
No! each of us can do what no other can do with ease.
When you are pursuing your unique talent, God is pleased.
He gave you that talent to fulfill a need in this world right now.
If you don't know how to implement it, God will show you how.
Don't waste that God given talent trying to do something other.
Your gift and talents were assigned to you not to your sister or brother.
In our life we always experience someone with a fantastic skill.
That skill and talent was given by God, to specifically 'fill a bill'..