Let's be thankful for the little in-completions in our life.
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminLet's be thankful for the little in-completions in our life.
There are things we are working on that could create strife.
But I choose to celebrate the little accomplishments today.
No, they are not complete yet, but they are on their way.
I have several projects 'in the works', so to speak.
I will complete them, my faith in these projects are not weak.
It takes time and a lot of effort to accomplish a given task.
If you want to know the disposition of these, just ask.
I will be truthful though and tell you that only God knows.
I've experienced lately some incredible devastating blows.
Just when I thought I had finally hit a home run,
That's when it looks like the problems had just begun.
I know the enemy is fighting my ideas 'tooth and nail.
He would love me to give it up like a ship without a sail.
But I have learned that it takes time for somethings to mature.
What I'm working on is developing now, and that's for sure.