You are a perfect specimen in God's site.
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminYou are a perfect specimen in God's site.
He made you just the way you are, you're God's delight.
Each of us though finds imperfections in our selves, it's true.
We strife for perfection in what we are and what we do.
Each of us is work in progress, God knows your faults and mine.
We were made to fulfill a specific need by God's design.
He knew how tall or short you would be and the color of your skin.
No! Nothing about you is a surprise to Him.
You were born to be in this specific time and place.
God knew you before you were conceived and what you would face.
You have the right personality. education and you are unique.
You have the ability to get things done when others are weak.
In this whole wide world there's only one of you.
So today, thank God for you uniqueness and do what only you can do.
Don't try to be a copy of others, That would make God sad.
Instead, put your shoulders back, be content and make God glad