We all have something in common, me and you.
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminWe all have something in common, me and you.
God gave us all the same 3 elements, it's true.
Those three are money, natural ability and time.
We all have those resources from God divine.
You and I are able to do what others can't do.
You have that special talent residing in you.
We all have the same 24 hours to use each day.
And I it's true, we all do things in our own way.
At the end of the day are you happy with your results?
Did you accomplish your goal or listen to negative insults.
We each have people that cheer us on and others that boo.
Some will give up their projects because of this, I hope this isn't you.
We can all make a difference in this world today.
By our actions, resources, abilities and what we do and say.
God is watching and keeping score of what we do with our time.
When we all stand in front of God,-- He'll check yours and mine.
Just remember God made you to be a winner in this life.
We are soldiers of Jesus and can expect turmoil and strive,
But know in the last chapter of the book we always win.
So be careful with your time. This may be the day to begin?