Do you need help with a habit you want to break?
by Dr. Anthony Murphy writerDo you need help with a habit you want to break?
It's something that you know is a mistake?
Habits always start small, they're easy to do.
Habits are hard to break, this is also true.
Smoking is a habit that we know is very bad.
It kills, it's the death of many a mom and dad.
We have all seen someone light up that cigarette.
They do it in desperation, they can hardly wait.
What is the answer to breaking any habit, do you know?
The solution is in the Bible, it's the place to go.
The Bible tells us that we are wonderfully made.
Yet bad habits can and will cause your health to fade.
God wants you to be able to help others like you.
You are not the only one with that problem, it's true.
Smoking, drinking and drugs are a demonic tool.
These habits are the fall and demise of many a fool
When you get that urge, God will help you every day.
If you want to quit, ask God for divine help as you pray.
He has a destiny for all.- If you're still alive this includes you.
Yes! God still has a very important project for you to do.