I Have for You Today an Unusual Dare

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I have for you today an unusual dare.
Today, I want you to simply cast that care.
I want you to give it to God and let it go.
Let it go and watch the blessings start to flow.

You were not made to worry and fret, it's true.
Our heavenly Father wants to help, in all you do.
You may think that problem is so big, so great.
My advice is to give it to God now, do not wait.

He wants to resolve it in a supernatural way.
He's just waiting for you to give Him the “a-okay”.
So many don't want to bother God today.
They think He's too busy and don't even pray.

But, this is not the case, God is standing by.
He hears all His children when they pray and cry.
God is a good God that really cares for you and me.
So, today cast those cares away and then watch and see.