Good News! A Christmas Blessing Is on Its Way
by Dr. Anthony Murphy writerGood news! A Christmas blessing is on its way.
It will get to you just in time, come what may.
We all need something special this time of the year.
That is why we should bless those near and dear.
Sometimes the blessings can be a simple card.
Sometimes giving the blessings could be quite hard.
Maybe you've had some issues with them in the past.
This is a good time to resolve the problem at last.
People need joy, love and encouragement today.
You and I can resolve that problem with what we say.
God commands us to be peacemakers showing His love.
That’s what He does for us from His throne in heaven above.
As Christians, we were made to be a blessing to others.
In the family of God, we are all sisters and brothers.
Just think today how you can be that special blessing.
I'm hoping to get some Christmas cards, I'm confessing.