Let's Learn to Celebrate the Little Good Things in Life
by Dr. Anthony Murphy writerLet's learn to celebrate the little good things in life.
Many dwell on all the bad things and the strife.
But, we can choose to look for good things too.
All the little accomplishments that you did, and you do.
To be happy, think about the positive little things you've done.
Maybe it was being good to your wife, or maybe your son.
Look for the good in yourself that you can celebrate.
Do this each time you do something good — do not wait.
We all have weaknesses and strengths — it's very true.
God is pleased with you when you appreciate Him too.
People react positively when you compliment their good.
So many only hear and think negative, that's understood.
It's because they don't celebrate all the little good things in life.
Look for all the nice things you can tell your husband or your wife.
Really appreciate them, they are a great and blessed friend for you.
Celebrate together often, and you can enjoy life — this is also true.