Today's Poem Is About Serving Others in Some Way Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today's poem is about serving others in some way today.
We each have the opportunity as God sends someone our way.
There are so many people that feel alone and afraid now.
Helping them with their needs or whatever it is, is how.

Jesus wants Christians to serve others daily — it's true.
Jesus is looking down from heaven and will see what you do.
When you are serving others and showing God's love,
I can almost picture God smiling from heaven above.

I have a friend Carol Ann that is constantly serving others.
She helps many of the senior elderly fathers and mothers.
Without her help many would not have their needs met.
Does God see all that love and compassion? You bet!

So today, see what you can do to brighten someone’s day.
It could be just a little gesture, or even going out of your way.
God will always reward us for helping others in need.
It's such a gratifying way of life when you do that special deed.
