by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminGOD'S FAVOR IS HEADED YOUR WAY.
Look for it now, it's headed your way — even today.
It can set your life in a brand new direction.
You are highly favored, you're God's selection.
Get ready for new levels of blessings today.
Know this can happen, starting without delay.
New levels of God's special favor are ready for you
to help you accomplish whatever you do.
We all sometimes think that we have an impossible task.
It's something so great that we forget to, or fail to ask
Almighty God to help us accomplish this undertaking.
With His incredible help, this task is already in the making.
As a favored child of the living and Almighty God,
you are very special — yes, we know in this world we are odd.
But, rejoice and enjoy the privilege that we have right now.
Believe this and receive it without doubting, that's how.