God wants us to encourage each other every day.
You can encourage with a smile, or words you say.
Someone needs encouragement in the worst way.
Find that someone and encourage them — without delay!
Some are even contemplating suicide right now.
They are trying to figure out, the when and how.
We don’t know who this is, but our God knows.
This is when Christians must let the blessings flow.
A little encouragement and kindness will go a long way.
Make it a habit to look for that someone, each and every day.
You may be the one that could save their life.
So many are living with heartaches, fear and strife.
Here’s another thought that God wants me to tell.
God likes to hear encouraging words from you as well.
We sometimes forget that God loves us and wants to hear,
“I love you Jesus and thank you God,” the words that are so dear.
Bible Reference: Galatians 6:9