As I See the Demise of This Mighty Nation
by Dr. Anthony Murphy writerAs I see the demise of this mighty nation,
it’s because it has turned God off, as a whole, I say without hesitation.
I realize this is not a happy and joyful message today.
But, we must wake up to see what the Bible has to say.
In our colleges and universities, students are taught to laugh at Christians now.
New generations are being indoctrinated with anti-God philosophies, that's how.
We have allowed this liberal agenda to take control in our schools.
What they are producing is a new godless society with godless rules.
Just about anything, and everything, is permissible today.
However, not for the Christians, we must watch what we say.
In the Bible, other nations that followed this same path
experienced God's wrath and the devastating aftermath.
As Christians, we are experiencing more and more persecution.
Our rights as a “born-again believer” are going through an execution.
We no longer can speak freely about Jesus and the love of God.
Christians are termed narrow-minded, obsolete, legalistic and odd.