Today We Continually Hear the Term “Politically Correct”
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminToday we continually hear the term “Politically Correct.”
It's a term used by those who only want to select
how to live an ungodly life without honoring God.
I choose to be Biblically correct, yes I am odd.
We have seen the results of these PC advocates now.
They want to rule our lives and tell us why, when and how.
Their theme is demonic and their destination is Hell.
This is not a politically correct poem, I'm here to tell!
When we all stand in front of God and we all will, it's true.
He will ask us how we lived our lives, that includes you.
This is where the “rubber meets the road” so to speak.
Were you an on fire Christian or worldly weak?
These are the last days and we must remain strong today.
This world is going in the wrong direction, yes the wrong way.
We must repent of our sins and turn from our evil ways.
Decide to do it now and not procrastinate — without delays.