Today we celebrate “Presidents’ Day” in this nation.
We should all pray for our president, I say without hesitation.
This is a country founded under God, and was blessed.
Not a land continually under persecution and stressed.

When we try to eliminate the God of our founding fathers,
the leaders of our nation want another god. Rather,
a god that doesn't like the Lord God almighty that I serve.
Any other god is false — yet many will say, “You've got your nerve.”
There are so many theories about how to get to Heaven now.
But the Bible and Jesus have the real truth and tell us how.
There are not many ways to Heaven, as some wrongly believe.
The Bible teaches there is only one way — don't be deceived.
In these last days, many are being led astray.
They listen to demonic leaders and what they have to say.
It's because they don't know the Bible, it they weren't taught.
“There is no God,” is the demonic story that many bought.

Chaplain Anthony Murphy, ND