Did you realize your every deed is a seed?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Did you realize your every deed is a seed?
When you help someone that has a need
You are pleasing by God, yes indeed
You are the hand, so to speak, that can feed

Seems everybody has a need these days
And as Christians we can help in many ways.
Look around you for someone that needs help today
It could be simply an encouraging word that you say

It also could be something that you have that they need
Give it away and consider that you planted a seed.
This world needs us to be seed planters now
If your wondering when, if and how

Just follow the leading of Jesus and how he gave
He gave his all to all and any even after the grave
Seeds are so important for our health and well being too
If you have a health issue, check out this website whatever you do

Chaplain Anthony Murphy, ND