Sometimes poems come to me thick and fast

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Jun 4 at 10:16 AM
Sometimes poems come to me thick and fast
Other times, like today, I wonder if this will be my last
When I am inspired to write as the Lord directs
I don't realize the impact of the poem and who it will effect.
Some poems are controversial, some I don’t want to write
I have this feeling of frustration and this I need to fight.
My poems are not always popular with a lot of folks
Most people like something happy, some like my jokes
But I will continue to write as I am told
I am only an instrument of God not always bold
So if my poems hit a sore spot in your life
Just know that I only want to help and not cause strife
I am a Chaplain, a Naturopath Doctor and also a dad
And my assignment in life is not to make people sad
But as I see so many sickly and puny among you now
My other assignment is to get you healthy and here’s how.
Blessing & Health 2U 