I want to donate to your ministry in a big way

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
I want to donate to your ministry in a big way
I want to do this in an unusual way
God has assigned to me an unusual task
I know you maybe be wondering how, you ask?
God does things in an unusual way all the time
This assignment really meets that criteria of mine
By helping your congregation live a much better life
Letting God’s own live without sickness, pain or strife,
How can this help by getting back to the basic’s and seeds
God provided this food for medicine to meet our needs.
The Bible has over 25 references to seeds and what they can do
Now I want to offer this newest seed technology to you.
Seeds are the ultimate health food that is really needed now
With all the pollution, junk food, sickness etc, this is how
A daily intake of this newest health technology can turn  health around
This is not some ‘Johnny come lately’ fad but something Biblically sound.
Your congregation can and will want to improve their health
By you offering this seed technology will dramatically increase the ministries wealth
In these last days we all need to be strong, healthy and ready for come what may.
This is a project that God gave to me to implement for the church today.
 Chaplain Anthony Murphy, ND