If your health is not incredible I have news for you.
by Dr. Anthony Murphy writerIf your health is not incredible I have news for you.
There is an answer in the Bible for you, it’s true.
So many are sickly, in pain and not enjoying life.
This is not God’s intention for you or your wife.
God did provide the ultimate health food indeed
What is that health food you ask? It’s all in the seed.
The seed was given to man as medicine for health.
If you are sick you know that health is better than wealth
God must look down on us sometimes and shake His head
People choosing to use some dangerous drugs instead
Of the God blessed and given answer to sickness and pain
When all those “Johnny Come Lately” medicines fail
I have incredible news for you. The seed will remain.
Yes, I hope that many ‘wise up’ and starting doing it right
When you take the right combination the sickness it will fight.
If you want to know the right seed combination it’s called Soul
And this God inspired seed preparation I believe will make you whole.