Today the 10 commandments are just as applicable today
by Dr. Anthony Murphy writerToday the 10 commandments are just as applicable today
It's not what the anti-god people have to say.
This world is a mess because of sin
Just ask yourself when in the USA did this sin begin?
Sin always begins when we lose our respect for God and His laws.
All of these man made regulations and laws without God's wisdom have flaws.
If this nation, and our government officials would just humble themselves and pray
We could once again turn this nation back the right way.
It's up to us sincere Christians to pray for this land to repent
And we must do this now before God's anger is spent.
Then all these anti-god people will ask "How did this happen".to us?
We Christians knows the answer it's simply because.
Because we drifted away from the nation God blessed
The results are now fear, anger, poverty and many people stressed.
It's not to late but it's getting close to the end of our beloved USA
So please pray for this nation and do it now today.
Chaplain Anthony Murphy