I recently purchased one of those offers on TV.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
I recently purchased one of those offers on TV.
It looked so good in the commercial I said "That's for me".
However, when I tried to do what it was supposed to do
I realized then that the claims for this gadget weren't true.
This isn't the first time something that looked so good
Doesn't always work for all of us, that I understood.
But how can they make it look so easy to do
It seems that I'm not that smart, how about you?
There is one thing, however, that you can get for free
You see it was already paid for, for you and me.
It's actually the greatest gift you can ever receive
It's requirement are that you only believe.
Believe in the one true God. He paid the price for you.
Just ask Jesus to forgive your sins it simple to do.
Then live your life for him, as a child of God, it's true
You can do it and be saved. Unfortunatley there are so few.
Few that realize the wonderful benefits as a child of God
To many of your friends and family you will be considered odd.
But when push comes to shove so to speak
And all hell breaks loose for them, it's you they'll seek.
You have the answer that will take away their problems and fear
It's Jesus Christ and his host of angels that are always near
Now tell them about your Jesus and how they can be saved too
If you don't know what to say the Bible will tell you what to say and do.