Do you really want to increase your happiness today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Do you really want to increase your happiness today?
Do you want to do it now without delay? 
The wisdom of the ages tells us how
So I suggest we all start to do this now.
First of all, get yourself off your mind.
Think of others to whom you can be kind.
There are always others in need
When you help and donate you're planing a seed.
That seed can grow into something great
A very crucial need that couldn't wait.
We don't know who, when or where
When we give or donate it shows we care.
God is watching our actions and know's our mind.
He will also show us who, what and where to find
That special person, ministry or special need
Be generous when you give and always exceed.
Your gifts and generosity will be appreciated more than you know
Also don't make a big display of your giving, don't make it a show.
Do it in secret or anonymously or humbly is the best way
I can guarantee you that this will increase your joy today.