At first some things don't seem too bad

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
At first some things don't seem too bad
We used to call them a diversion or a fad
But as we do the habit more and more
Sin always has a way to even the score
Realize the consequences of the sin
And know you'd better stop it today
Yes! Today this is the day to begin
You can, as a Christian, with God's help win
But know that Satan knows what you do
And he will tempt you today and everyday, it's true
As long as you continue in the bad habit you've had
The Holy Spirit will prompt you and you will feel bad.
So live the life that Jesus died for you to enjoy
This is my message to every man, woman, girl or boy
Age doesn't matter when it comes to doing wrong
Resist the temptation. As a Christian, you must stay strong.