Some things that are happening today seem impossible to me.
by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site AdminSome things that are happening today seem impossible to me.
Things are sure different now, you people over 50 will agree
There are things that are despicable to many of us in this generation
Things that we all know are wrong and should not be happening in this nation.
I'm sure that the founding fathers and many of our saints of old
would not believe the lies and deceit that is so easily told
By the people that are leading this nation in an ungodly way
And American citizens are losing their right to what they can say.
If you don't believe this you don't know the latest facts
Try to talk about Jesus in a public school and watch them react
Our nation is the best there is, or at least it used to be
Some people in authority try to act like a god or a wanna-be
If this nation will truly repent and stop their evil ways
and return to the one true God He will do as the Bible says
And bless this country and show the world what He can do
For a nation that worships the one true living God, it's true.