God Placed Us Here For a Reason

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

God placed us here for a reason.
It might be a lifetime, or just a season.
But, you are needed to complete His plan.
A plan He designed before your life began.
You are very special, you're one of a kind.
And, for His purpose and pleasure you were designed.
If you will fulfill the assignment God has for you
your life will be happy and fulfilled that's true.
Unfortunately many miss their calling because of sin.
But, even later in life just like me, we can again begin.
It is so good to know that we are now in God's plan.
A plan for us, when our life at conception began.
So, don't like me and many others, waste so many years,
and live a life of regret, stress, sickness and buckets of tears.
Jesus loves you and me, and wants us to spend eternity
in Heaven enjoying being with Him and finally being sin free.