Believe It or Not, I Am Not A Perfect Man

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Believe it or not, I'm not a perfect man.
God knew me before my life began.
My wife, after our marriage, found this out.
And, she will agree that I wasn't perfect, without a doubt.
I'm so thankful that when God looks down at me
He doesn't, all my imperfections and sins, scan to see.
Instead, He sees Jesus my Savior that set me free.
Free to sin no more because Jesus won the victory.
Satan roams around day and night trying to make us sin.
He knows all our faults and weaknesses and knows where to begin.
To begin tempting us in just the right way.
It's his intent and purpose to make us go astray.
I must confess I have fell for some of his evil plans.
And, not just once I played the fool of the wayward man.
Now, that I'm older and wiser Satan still tries his tricks on me.
But, because of my Savior Jesus, my sins were crucified on Calvary.
Now I'm free, thank God I'm free at last.
All those sins I committed are in the past.
God remembers them no more.
And., I am free to serve Jesus forevermore.